Why is this person not considered a terrorist!?

Terrorism: The use of asymmetrical violence and intimidation to effect political change. This is a well accepted definition of terrorism. I can not be used to describe bad police shootings. Bad use of force in law enforcement is a matter of stress, fate, training or bad police officers. Bad LEOs is the rarest group of negligent use of force. Even bad police officers are not terrorists. They have no use for political change unless it helps preserve law enforcement. Police officers are terrorists is a ridiculous equation.

When a Neo-Marxist Leftist proclaims “bloodshed” in the streets if City Hall goes back to using a Special Team of community police officers, that is political change and that is a threat of violence. It completely fits the definition of terrorism. The question is why isn’t the DOJ/FBI involved in the activities of BLM when their leaders are terrorists!?

Why is THIS terrorism acceptable but others are not~!?

Claims that Fraud Allegations in the 2020 Election are False are Currently Impossible.

Why Are So Many Election Ballots Confusing? : NPR

It’s time someone steps back and comments on the election of 2020 and it’s problems using logic and facts.

Fact 1 – Failed lawsuits to halt certification and losses by Trump in court to force recounts or audits are easily explained. Unlike the committing of an ordinary crime and it’s statute of limitations, election fraud is almost impossible to prove before certification ends. That is because there is literally no time and the States hold all the evidence: the ballots, the routers, the computers, the logs…and judgments remove the ability to prosecute before any election is in the books. Reports of lost Trump lawsuits before certification mean very little despite triumphant nonsense from the Left.

Fact 2 – This is a philosophical, epistemological. and logical point: Unless the source of a claim thoroughly investigates the ballots and processes in individual battleground and bellwether districts, their claims that allegations of fraud are false, ARE FALSE THEMSELVES! FALSE does not mean “we lack information”. FALSE means the formulation of a claim or equation cannot be true. It is impossible to say the unknown is false. ABC News does not know if such claims are false of not. They haven’t done even the first investigation of any ballots or processes. This is a vital point that shows how FAKE NEWS is fabricated. When ABC News says Trump claims are FALSE, they do not have journalism or facts to back up such a claim.

Fact 3 – Absence of evidence does not equate to absolute claims of absence of existence. This is important. One needs evidence to make claims of any kind. This is empiricism and the basis of all science. If a judge rules against any audit or delay based on evidence they have made impossible to get in the first place, certification cannot be stopped by the challenger; only the legislature and the Secretary of State can stop certification. The states hold ALL the hard evidence needed to prove fraud and there is no time to build a proper case. This is the peculiar nature of elections. They cannot be prosecuted like regular crimes. The Trump loses in court were not based on hard evidence but circumstantial evidence such as statistics or witness reports. Being struck down in court this way casts no taint upon claims of fraud. They prove nothing, only that a judge said NO. This does not vindicate or damn an election’s results like the left loves to broadcast. That is nonsense. 20 some judgments to proceed to certification based on an impossibility to gather real evidence is not proof of a secure honest election.

Fact 4 – Despite claims by Fake News and Biden fans, there is a large body of obvious problems and allegations that together are plausible enough to warrant investigation. The stoppage of ballot counting in the middle of the night, the aggressive or strange behavior of poll workers in some districts, reports of large dumps early in the morning, the real time evidence of vote swaps etc. do not add up to “no evidence of fraud”. They is evidence of problems that need explaining that can only proceed by audit.

Fact 5 – Recounting ballots does not constitute an investigation into the legitimacy of an election. Despite victorious and dumb claims from the left, recounts only count ballots again. Recounts do not tell us if the ballots are legal or not. This is also a vital fact missing in the tidal wave of Fake News cover up nonsense. Recounts do not mean fair and honest elections. Only a deep audit can tell us the legitimacy of ballots and of the process.

Fact 6 – The chain of improbable statistics surrounding Biden’s win are evidence enough to audit. This a matter of circumstantial evidence. When every past statistical equation/result disappears, something is wrong. This is MATH, science. It may not be hard evidence but such drastic deviations from past election results is noteworthy and worth explanation. They sound an alarm. When no incumbent President with more second election votes than the first LOSES has never happened in history, something is strange. When there are more votes claimed than registered voters…again, it’s strange, worthy of investigation. When a contender wins the lowest number of districts or counties in history but wins, again, something is wrong.

Fact 7 – Fake News and Democrats protest too much. It is suspicious that they do not want to know what happened in the election. They claim any state effort to be political trickery. They cast dispersion upon auditors in Arizona without even watching the presentation, which drew no political or partisan conclusions. They even make the outrageously stupid claim that audits are an attack upon democracy. It’s all way too much. If they claim it is the most secure and fair election in history, a suspicious grandiose claim itself, what are they so worried about!?

The election of 2020 seems to fit a pattern of establishing deep mistrust in almost every political process at work currently. Americans deserve to know the extent to which our elections are dysfunctional and untrustworthy. We need to know how to fix it, just like we deserve to have trust in the FBI and DOJ, in the bureaucracy, in our justice system. If we cannot have fair elections, nothing else follows, The entire existence of America is threatened. Nothing can be trusted. It is quite obvious 2020 was the most problem ridden election in US history. Whether pandemics or mail-in ballot schemes, Americans deserve to go deep into the process, to discern where problems lie and fix this mess! It is a matter of national prosperity and sovereignty.

The 2024 GOP Presidential Platform

A handshake

One thing Republicans need in the next Presidential election is a vital candidate with a daring right wing/libertarian platform. I believe the GOP needs to fire up the people with forward looking legislation and fresh ideas to improve the country. We need more Newt Gingrich, Contract with America, and Reagan than a gentlemanly moderate Chamber of Commerce look. The candidate should suck the wind right out of the Democrat Party with bold visions and real progress. The following is a laundry list. It isn’t to be necessarily all implemented the first term.

  • Term Limits and Four Year Reconciliation: This one is populist fire, will charge the troops and get out the patriots. It will end circles of Deep State power, cap endless insider trading and bring fresh new ideas and faces to Federal Legislation. Some of the folks holding congressional power were born close to WWII or before. They have had enough time in power. Also, we would benefit from Representatives not having to run every two years. It has never made any real sense in my mind. Make all Congress, House and Senate two four year terms maximum, the same as the President. Six years are too many and 2 are not enough.
  • Balanced Budget and Debt Repayment: The way Congress spends and finances needs to end. They should be required to do their primary job; PASS A BUDGET and it should balance. The claim that Gubbmint debt isn’t the same as personal debt because Gubbmint prints the money is only groundwork to spend more and grow inflation. It is fiscal nonsense. The concentration on mandatory budgeting will keep their attention instead of launching into ruining other sectors. There needs to be a gradual repayment of the debt and surpluses should go to the debt. We shall not have Congress bought and sold by foreign bond holders and future generations deserve to start life without the huge debt from the gluttony of others.
  • Fair Tax: This is the most dramatic important progressive idea in US History. It would destroy IRS power and the snooping of others into people’s business. Fair Tax would have criminals, tourists, and all persons spending in the US paying into the Treasury based upon a Gubbmint commitment to fostering a strong economy. If they fail, revenue drops, they deal with less, like everyone else.

These 3 laws are the bedrock of the platform but there are other considerations.

  • National Conceal Carry
  • A return to states appointed Senators. No more “mavericks”. Senators represent their state and should be beholden to them.
  • National Right to Work.
  • An end to China’s Most Favored Trading status.
  • A mandatory Social Security Trust Fund overhaul
  • Mandatory Complete Federal Reserve Audits every 4 years.

The 3 pillars and the passing some of the others is a full plate for the 2024 GOP Presidential platform. The platform should include the necessary restating of Pro-Life ideals and the movement towards states determination to diffuse this thorny issue. Our platform should be a rousing committed patriotic truly progressive movement to reclaim America ideals. Whether the candidate is Trump or some fresh face like a Hawley or DeSantis, the GOP needs substance and real fixes in it’s platform for Free Americans, not some radical leftist “transformation”!

Annihilating the Truth; Much of What You Hear about the Afghanistan Disaster is False.

Trump, Rubio accuse General Milley of treason over Woodward exposé

Like much information we receive in this Age of Insanity, the entire process and the facts surrounding our disastrous, deadly, and embarrassing retreat from Afghanistan is full of holes and lies. One does not need Fake News, Democrats, or disingenuous ticket punching political generals to discern what actually happened. We have facts to guide us. Let’s start at the beginning of the withdrawal agreement, the facts as they lay in February 2021.

Background: The US military has not been running major ground operations with large conventional US formations since 2012. For the past several years, the Afghan Army with support from US and allied advisors, US air power, and the occasional small scale tier one action, have been fighting the Taliban. Bagram Air Field was reinforced and very defensible. The Afghans relied upon our air support. In fact, they relied extensively on us for everything. This is not a critique of the Afghan Army. They lost 64’000 troops fighting the Taliban. The US had not lost a single troop in a year. This is the condition upon a negotiations between the Trump Administration and the Taliban. The US had hundreds of contractors at Bagram. There was billions in US Weaponry on the ground for the Afghan Army.

Enter Trump’s team and negotiations with the Taliban in Doha in February 2020. There was a loose agreement pulled together, one with definite conditions to move along to the next step. In other words, everything was conditional upon the Taliban making good on the agreement. Don’t listen to the news or the Democrat Party. You can read the whole agreement, the only one upon which Trump signed on. Here it is.

“Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan
between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States
as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America”

“February 29, 2020
which corresponds to Rajab 5, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar
and Hoot 10, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar

A comprehensive peace agreement is made of four parts:

1. Guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that will prevent the use of the soil of Afghanistan by
any group or individual against the security of the United States and its allies.

2. Guarantees, enforcement mechanisms, and announcement of a timeline for the withdrawal of
all foreign forces from Afghanistan.

3. After the announcement of guarantees for a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and timeline
in the presence of international witnesses, and guarantees and the announcement in the presence
of international witnesses that Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United
States and its allies, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United
States as a state and is known as the Taliban will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan
sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and
Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.

4. A permanent and comprehensive ceasefire will be an item on the agenda of the intra-Afghan
dialogue and negotiations. The participants of intra-Afghan negotiations will discuss the date
and modalities of a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire, including joint implementation
mechanisms, which will be announced along with the completion and agreement over the future
political roadmap of Afghanistan.

The four parts above are interrelated and each will be implemented in accordance with its own agreed
timeline and agreed terms. Agreement on the first two parts paves the way for the last two parts.

Following is the text of the agreement for the implementation of parts one and two of the above. Both
sides agree that these two parts are interconnected. The obligations of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban in this
agreement apply in areas under their control until the formation of the new post-settlement Afghan
Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations.


The United States is committed to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces of the United States,
its allies, and Coalition partners, including all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private security
contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting services personnel within fourteen (14) months following
announcement of this agreement, and will take the following measures in this regard:
. II
A. The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will take the following measures in the first one
hundred thirty-five (135) days:

1) They will reduce the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to eight thousand six hundred
(8,600) and proportionally bring reduction in the number of its allies and Coalition

2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from five
(5) military bases.

B. With the commitment and action on the obligations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which
is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban in Part Two of this
agreement, the United States, its allies, and the Coalition will execute the following:

1) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will complete withdrawal of all remaining
forces from Afghanistan within the remaining nine and a half (9.5) months.

2) The United States, its allies, and the Coalition will withdraw all their forces from
remaining bases.

C. The United States is committed to start immediately to work with all relevant sides on a plan
to expeditiously release combat and political prisoners as a confidence building measure with
the coordination and approval of all relevant sides. Up to five thousand (5,000) prisoners of
the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban and up to one thousand (1,000) prisoners of the other side will be
released by March 10, 2020, the first day of intra-Afghan negotiations, which corresponds to
Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.
The relevant sides have the goal of releasing all the remaining prisoners over the course of the
subsequent three months. The United States commits to completing this goal. The Islamic
Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known
as the Taliban commits that its released prisoners will be committed to the responsibilities
mentioned in this agreement so that they will not pose a threat to the security of the United
States and its allies.

D. With the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, the United States will initiate an administrative
review of current U.S. sanctions and the rewards list against members of the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban
with the goal of removing these sanctions by August 27, 2020, which corresponds to Muharram
8, 1442 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Saunbola 6, 1399 on the Hijri Solar calendar.

E. With the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, the United States will start diplomatic engagement
with other members of the United Nations Security Council and Afghanistan to remove
members of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as
a state and is known as the Taliban from the sanctions list with the aim of achieving this
objective by May 29, 2020, which corresponds to Shawwal 6, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar
and Jawza 9, 1399 on the Hijri Solar calendar. . III

F. The United States and its allies will refrain from the threat or the use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of Afghanistan or intervening in its domestic


In conjunction with the announcement of this agreement, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is
not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban will take the following steps
to prevent any group or individual, including al-Qa’ida, from using the soil of Afghanistan to threaten
the security of the United States and its allies:

1. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban will not allow any of its members, other individuals or groups, including
al-Qa’ida, to use the soil of Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States and its

2. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban will send a clear message that those who pose a threat to the security
of the United States and its allies have no place in Afghanistan, and will instruct members of
the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban not to cooperate with groups or individuals threatening the security of
the United States and its allies.

3. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban will prevent any group or individual in Afghanistan from threatening
the security of the United States and its allies, and will prevent them from recruiting, training,
and fundraising and will not host them in accordance with the commitments in this agreement.

4. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban is committed to deal with those seeking asylum or residence in
Afghanistan according to international migration law and the commitments of this agreement,
so that such persons do not pose a threat to the security of the United States and its allies.

5. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and
is known as the Taliban will not provide visas, passports, travel permits, or other legal
documents to those who pose a threat to the security of the United States and its allies to enter

1. The United States will request the recognition and endorsement of the United Nations Security
Council for this agreement.
. IV
2. The United States and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United
States as a state and is known as the Taliban seek positive relations with each other and expect
that the relations between the United States and the new post-settlement Afghan Islamic
government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations will be positive.

3. The United States will seek economic cooperation for reconstruction with the new post-
settlement Afghan Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and
negotiations, and will not intervene in its internal affairs.

Signed in Doha, Qatar on February 29, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 5, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar
calendar and Hoot 10, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar, in duplicate, in Pashto, Dari, and English
languages, each text being equally authentic.”

The first thing to notice is that there are four parts, the last two are dependent upon satisfaction with the first two and the first two have GUARANTEES and ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS. “Agreement on the first two parts paves the way for the last two parts.” The introduction contains this “The obligations of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan…apply in areas under their control until the formation of the new post-settlement Afghan Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations.” Notice that before anything else happens, all timelines and guarantees in the first part are conditioned upon “intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations” and “the formation of the new post-settlement Afghan Islamic government.”

This never happened. As the Secretary of Defense and Chairman testified, the Taliban only held to one condition in the agreement, they did not attack US and allied forces.

Then we have this; “…is known as the Taliban will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan
sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and
Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.” Here we have a date upon which negotiations were to start and finish with an Intra-Afghan government, but this never came to be. The rest of the agreement was dead in the water in March!


The first part agreed to leave by April 2021 and was conditional upon events that never happened. READ THIS; “The United States is committed to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces… within fourteen (14) months following announcement of this agreement” AND , “in the first one hundred thirty-five (135) days:…will reduce the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan to eight thousand six hundred
(8,600) and proportionally bring reduction in the number of its allies and Coalition
forces.” AND “will withdraw all their forces from five
(5) military bases.”

Any timeline was conditional, depending upon the Taliban satisfying it’s commitments, which it ignored.

Trump agreed to the prisoner swap on March 10th, which happened. Trump also agreed to examine sanctions on Afghanistan with the purpose of removing them upon satisfaction with the Taliban, which did not happen. The US was to work with the UN on removing sanctions and that did not happen.

It is important to remember that the Leftist US Press spelled gloom and doom for Trump’s agreement, saying it would plunge Afghanistan into CHAOS but it was Biden’s botched withdrawal that did that, not any agreement. We didn’t leave in March, April, May, june, July…remember, we were to leave by April but did not. The deal was dead. Any claims about having to adhere to any timeline is nonsense.


Part Two is essentially irrelevant because Part One was never satisfied. It encompasses Al Qida member being deterred from terrorism and other measures which are moot at this point. The deal was the Taliban were treat asylum seekers and citizens in accordance with International Law and that never happened either. The last hope was to be positive relations between the US and the Intra-Afghan Government.


-The Taliban were not to have taken over but shared power.

-President Biden was never beholden to be out in August or September but had abided the reduction of forces. Biden was not compelled by this broken agreement to anything more after the reduction. His statements about the Trump agreement are FALSE, patented lies meant to shift blame as Biden is always want to do.

Let me move on beyond the agreement to the disaster that unfolded. I will tell you what happened IN ALL PROBABILITY. Standard US Military would call for, in close to this order:

-Securing Kabul, the US embassy, Karzai Airport, and Bagram.

-Destruction or removal of sensitive data

-Noncombatant mandatory evacuation called.

-Excess weaponry removed or destroyed.

-Civilians and allies vetted and transported to safety.

-Evacuation of Embassy staff and remaining contractors

-An orderly withdrawal of Troops

Instead of this general sensible order, it was done in reverse! I do not think it possible the final process was ever a plan presented to Biden. The whole disaster falls on Biden’s lack of communication with advisors and the hair trigger that left chaos in the Afghan Army/

Facts and Probabilities:

-Our British allies were not notified of the sudden evacuation of Bagram and US Troops.

-The Afghan Army had no warning of the sudden withdrawal of support.

-Much of this disaster lies in the reliance of the State Department to run a military operation.

-Biden did not follow a military plan or advice from his military.

-Biden claims he was never told to leave 2500 troops. Generals testified he was advised this.

-Secretary Austin claims by agreement we were to be gone by May but that was part of a deal that was dead. The Media also falsely claim we were beholden to an April withdrawal.

-Any “plan” that leaves billions in US weapons is no PLAN!

There is a lot of disinformation concerning this disaster. There was no functioning agreement, no TRUMP timeline that needed to be held to, it’s nonsense. This is a State Department disaster. It lies fully with Biden. Despite the waffling of Generals and the cover they set up, it is obvious they did what they could to protect Biden until they were forced under oath to admit the truth: they gave Biden a doable plan, advised to keep Bagram and 2500 troops. None of it is Trump’s fault. Everything else is bullshit.

Maricopa Audit did not say who won!

The Audit team working on the Maricopa 2020 Election process did NOT claim Biden won or that duplicates benefited anyone. They did not go there. The draft released showed a simple ballot count that was abused by the Fake News to re-announce Biden’s win and to de-legitimize the audit. The team however is smarter than they are. What they uncovered is the nature of the ballots and the deviation from the norm. In the process, they found duplicate ballots and other trouble ballots that amount to many times Biden’s margin of victory. Here is a sheet that breaks down the problems and their danger…

Here is the thing; think about all sorts of ballots mailed out to past and present address, duplicates mailed, even duplicates mailed to other states never requested…and wonder, WHO would commit fraud in the election, Democrats or Republicans?!

I think we all know the answer and that is the point. No widespread cheating is necessary to overturn this election. All that has to happen is enough fraudulent/problem ballots more than a margin of victory and that should decertify a district and possibly an entire state! Onward to Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota!